Permitting assistance for property owners

For many property owners, the permitting process is not simple or straight forward. Knowing which forms to use, ensuring you have all of the required information, knowing how and when to submit documents, interpreting county-required corrections, communicating with building officials, and accessing approved documents can be challenging and time consuming for those who don’t know the process. Besides, you have better things to do than to wade through bureaucracy.

Let Island County Permitting handle it for you!

    1. Gather information

    2. Determine the right service

    3. Review construction documents

    4. Compile relevant forms

    5. Complete forms

    6. Create project portal

    7. Submit application materials

    8. Communicate any county-required corrections

    9. Distribute approved permit documents

  • Well, that depends on what your project entails. A small accessory structure will not have as many restrictions or requirements as a single-family home. Similarly, multi-family developments and commercial projects will have a more involved permitting process.

    For pricing information, please see the Services page. If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us.

  • Consider Miss S.J. and her family. They handled the permitting of a project involving a short plat and the construction of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Because of their unfamiliarity with the County’s bureaucratic processes, a tremendous amount of back and forth was required; some of it requiring the exchange of documents in-person. The process dragged on for over two years. In that time, the cost of lumber skyrocketed. The increased cost of lumber would have paid for this service many times over!

  • Absolutely! As a registered architect, licensed to practice in Washington and Oregon, I not only have the qualifications but also experience with numerous permitting jurisdictions.

  • Don’t worry! It is far more common than not that corrections or additional information are required during the permitting process. If you have prepared your design documents yourself, I can help guide you through the requested corrections. If you’re working with design and engineering professionals, I can be a liaison to accurately communicate the required corrections. I cannot, however, make the corrections for you or your design professionals.

  • It depends. Historically, Island County will require 8-12 weeks to review a project. If multiple rounds of corrections are required, or the project is complex, it could take longer; sometimes much longer. Keeping that plan review time as short as possible is where having a knowledgeable partner on your side is important.